Coronavirus shelter in place order, what can you do?

As coronavirus (COVID-19) spreads, 7 counties in the Bay Area are now ordering people to shelter at their place of residence. While this is an inconvenience and people may get irritable confined to their own home, this is the best thing we can do for our society to help protect this virus from spreading and saving lives.

One luxury that we can still enjoy is our beautiful outdoors! According to the Order of the Health Officer of the County of Santa Clara, Section 10 states individuals may leave their residence only to perform any of the following "Essential Activities". Specifically stated for the outdoors, β€œTo engage in outdoor activity, provided the individuals to comply with Social Distancing Requirements as defined in this Section, such as, by way of example and without limitation, walking, hiking, or running.” By definition of "Social Distancing Requirements", this includes maintaining at least six-foot social distancing from other individuals, washing hands with soap and water for at least twenty seconds as frequently as possible or using hand sanitizer, covering coughs or sneezes (into the sleeve or elbow, not hands), regularly cleaning high-touch surfaces, and not shaking hands.

Take the time and go on a hike to decompress. Be safe and be vigilant. Some of our favorite places to hike in the area include the following, most parks remain open but programs and guided hikes are temporarily suspended as well as social gatherings are not permitted.

  1. Big Basin Redwoods State Park

  2. Castle Rock State Park

  3. Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park

  4. Sanborn County Park

  5. The Forest of Nisene Marks

  6. Wilder Ranch State Park

  7. Coast Dairies State Park

  8. Almaden Quicksilver County Park

Stay Wild!

Gypsy Locus
